It dawned on me the other day. It’s May 2017. 10 years ago, in May 2007 I fell pregnant for the first time. So that’s 10 years of me being pregnant or breastfeeding. THE ENTIRE 10 YEARS. (Well, with the one exception of a 13 month period in 2013). That’s a whole decade. A freaking ... read more
Mama Guilt
Mama guilt. It’s the worst. I’m learning that it takes a significant amount of intentional thinking and some very deliberate actions to reject it. There are days when I feel this ridiculous guilt – completely misplaced, unconstructive guilt – for things like not going to parks every day or sewing ... read more
Mindful Mamas Online Circle – Reflection
On Tuesday August 1st, a small group of us braved the unfamiliar territory of gathering in circle in an online platform.. and it was simply beautiful. The ease of connecting from home was a welcomed relief for our new mamas and the simplicity of the little ones cruising around their own homes in ... read more
Nurture the Nurturer
Several years ago, I had hit rock bottom. I found myself depressed, heavily medicated and spending days at a time in bed. My marriage, friendships and career were suffering and I had abandoned all my dreams. I was lacking life direction, purpose and meaning. This I believe was the result of ... read more
3 Lessons I Learned Overcoming Postnatal Anxiety and Depression
Its not easy to remove the mask and stand before you in my virtual bra and undies, but I've decided to open up a little, in the hopes of promoting positive mental health. (It's mental health week from 9-15 October) I've been reflecting on the year so far, and its been quite the journey. Looking ... read more
Mindful Mamas Berwick Circle – Reflection
Thank you to the 20 women who came together in circle for the launch of Mindful Mamas at Body Yoga, Berwick. It was a deep celebration of what is possible when we create space to normalise our fear and vulnerabilities and reinvigorate our deep wisdom and uncover our passionate longing for ... read more
The Bump In The Road
It’s inevitable that everyday has a bump in the road. Some days are filled with potholes, others are a smooth highway. Motherhood is amazing, rewarding and wildly stressful! Even if you think you know how your day will unfold, inevitably there is always change. How we respond to the change or ... read more