Several years ago, I had hit rock bottom. I found myself depressed, heavily medicated and spending days at a time in bed. My marriage, friendships and career were suffering and I had abandoned all my dreams. I was lacking life direction, purpose and meaning.
This I believe was the result of many years neglecting my own self-care; where I had made a conscious decision that it was far easier to focus less on myself to put everyone else’s needs before my own. Yet deep down I had a knowing that there had to be a better way to live my life. So, I began to seek out alternative ways to overcome my depression, regain direction and reconnect with my goals, dreams, and desires. One way I did this was through a 12 month coaching program (where I was a client), which to say the least changed my life!
And thus, my passion and purpose became clear – to nurture the nurturer.
To support ALL women, to nourish the beautiful woman inside. To strengthen them so that even when they feel worn or broken, they will realise their strength. To inspire them that even though they may feel tired, stressed, and strained, they will shine their light authentically, tap into their own innate wisdom, stand in their truth and express from the heart, to re-discover parts of themselves.
Through my coaching role, I’ve learnt that Women are amazing, beautiful, strong, nurturing, and resilient. We have strong souls that can withstand the challenges that life throws our way and can adapt and bounce back so that we are better and stronger than ever before.
Women seem to have an innate ability to nurture. We feed, nourish, protect, support, encourage, develop, promote, educate, build up and bring up others. We love and care for our partner, family, friends, co-workers, students, clients, and customers, yet so often neglect to recognise and give ourselves the nurturing that we need.
As Eleanor Brown quotes, “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
We’re probably all familiar with the safety procedures when flying in an aeroplane, if the oxygen masks are released from the overhead stalls, you need to fit your own mask before assisting others. I believe self-care or self-nurturing is like this, if you’re drained and depleted you’re no good to anyone.
Learning how to take care of your own needs, has so many benefits for not only yourself but those around you. When we feel fulfilled and satisfied in one area of life this has a ripple effect.
So, I want to give a gift to all those Women who spend so much of their time, energy, thoughts, and life nurturing others. I want to give you the gift of “permission”- permission for self-care and self-nurturance minus the mummy guilt!
Right here, right now, I invite you to identify 1 thing you could do tomorrow that would involve just YOU no one else, no kids, no partners just YOU to enable you to feel replenished, nourished, and pampered.
For example; it might be buying yourself flowers, going for a walk, taking photos, making arts, crafts, cooking, dancing, reading your favourite book or magazine or one of my favourite things is to sit uninterrupted while having a coffee. Once again it doesn’t have to be just one thing, as humans we are multi-dimensional so work those dimensions!
Vital self-care even if it’s 5 or 10mins when you feel depleted or drained has nothing to do with being selfish, but everything to do with self-responsibility. Keeping ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally fit so we can nurture ourselves, and others, in our lives.
Finally, as I finish I’d like to encourage you to be mindful of fitting your own oxygen mask first, you have permission to hit the pause button and to give yourself some consideration daily. A quiet moment to reflect gratitude. Appreciation for the way in which nature can nourish you or five minutes to listen to music that fills your soul.
Whatever it may be, remember to Nurture the Nurturer.
Erin Miller is new Mindful Mama, personal life coach, motivational speaker, published author and writes positive lifestyle articles for a local magazine. She has had the privileged to work with clients all around Australia and runs empowerment workshops, retreats, women’s circles & events. Erin is also a “mindful mama” to 3 very energetic little boys.
If you would like to read more from Erin, make sure to check out her website here
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