Melissa Rowe
Mental Health Social Worker
Melissa Rowe received a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology and Sociology (1998) and a Bachelor of Social Work (2001) from Monash University before commencing her work as a Social Worker.
She is registered with the Australian Association of Social Workers and an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, working in a variety of settings including Child Protection, Services for Separated families, hospital setting, schools and private practice. For her entire professional career Melissa has worked with families and in particular women and children managing difficult life transitions and situations.
Melissa’s passion is supporting mothers to be the best that they can be and helping them relearn to connect deeply to their motherhood intuition. Throughout her professional work and own personal motherhood experience Melissa has explored how mindfulness and motherhood are a potent blend.
Out of this exploration, alongside her private practice Melissa created Mindful Mamas. Mindful Mamas is a non judgemental supportive space that now delivers a range of supports and services to mothers. We run mindful mamas circles, which is a space that combines the potent blend of the practice of mindfulness with the intimate gathering of mamas to learn new ways of speaking, listening and sharing with each other in a safe and supportive space, Camps to encourage deep connection between mother and child, Mindful motherhood coaching , and a Mama Camp retreat for women to spend the weekend immersed in mindfulness practices to support them on their motherhood journey.
Melissa has enjoyed presenting and guest speaking for more than 7 years and is renowned for her ability to entertain a room in her unique approach to educating.
Melissa’s speaking and Camp events provide mind and heart opening, and life changing experiences to broaden your awareness, perspective and understanding of yourself in motherhood and womanhood.
Melissa believes that our children are our greatest teachers and is enjoying the learning alongside her two adult daughters whilst trying her best to cultivate presence and non judgement.
Melissa lives in Melbourne, with her partner and 2 children, where she enjoys the beach, the veggie patch and slow days.