Mama camp is the only place on earth that holds women in a supported community that is necessary to be ALL we can be. I came away from this years camp feeling unconditional love brimming in my heart like never before. I made connections that i know will last a lifetime. I danced liked no ... read more
Mama Guilt
Mama guilt. It’s the worst. I’m learning that it takes a significant amount of intentional thinking and some very deliberate actions to reject it. There are days when I feel this ridiculous guilt – completely misplaced, unconstructive guilt – for things like not going to parks every day or sewing ... read more
Mindful Mamas Online Circle – Reflection
On Tuesday August 1st, a small group of us braved the unfamiliar territory of gathering in circle in an online platform.. and it was simply beautiful. The ease of connecting from home was a welcomed relief for our new mamas and the simplicity of the little ones cruising around their own homes in ... read more
Nurture the Nurturer
Several years ago, I had hit rock bottom. I found myself depressed, heavily medicated and spending days at a time in bed. My marriage, friendships and career were suffering and I had abandoned all my dreams. I was lacking life direction, purpose and meaning. This I believe was the result of ... read more
3 Lessons I Learned Overcoming Postnatal Anxiety and Depression
Its not easy to remove the mask and stand before you in my virtual bra and undies, but I've decided to open up a little, in the hopes of promoting positive mental health. (It's mental health week from 9-15 October) I've been reflecting on the year so far, and its been quite the journey. Looking ... read more
Mindful Mamas Berwick Circle – Reflection
Thank you to the 20 women who came together in circle for the launch of Mindful Mamas at Body Yoga, Berwick. It was a deep celebration of what is possible when we create space to normalise our fear and vulnerabilities and reinvigorate our deep wisdom and uncover our passionate longing for ... read more