When women come together in circle magic happens. Your magic. When in your busy life do you get a chance to pause, look at another woman, really look at her, and know she is looking at you? Not judging you, not criticising your hair or your makeup, or that you forgot to put any on today, ... read more
Because I Got This!
That didn't go to plan. "Your son has cancer!" But he was on the water slide yesterday? My first thought when the doctor told me about Ollie's diagnosis. My following thoughts went as follows: 1. Well that's not fair he only recently tried to take his life, 2. OMG how am I going to get ... read more
Managing Stress During Pregnancy
Congrats Mama, you’re pregnant! And you understand the importance of reducing stress during pregnancy; otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this. So first of all, big ups to you for acknowledging how much of an effect stress can have during pregnancy, but also realising in this day and age it’s ... read more
The Mother Sigh
There’s a certain comfort that envelopes a child when she finds the arms of her mother. In our home we call it the mother sigh - this deep and absolute letting go of everything. It’s an instant relief, a relinquishing of all that is burdensome and heavy. A primal connection born from complete ... read more
Mama Guilt
Mama guilt. It’s the worst. I’m learning that it takes a significant amount of intentional thinking and some very deliberate actions to reject it. There are days when I feel this ridiculous guilt – completely misplaced, unconstructive guilt – for things like not going to parks every day or sewing ... read more
Mindful Mamas Online Circle – Reflection
On Tuesday August 1st, a small group of us braved the unfamiliar territory of gathering in circle in an online platform.. and it was simply beautiful. The ease of connecting from home was a welcomed relief for our new mamas and the simplicity of the little ones cruising around their own homes in ... read more